Along with the message or topic on "Time", I've been meaning to write about rest to go along with part of the notes above. Today-the Sabbath, I'm writing this to really engrain this in people�s lifestyle. Yeah, what�s up with everybody rushing in life for. At my local church-Morris-today, a sister-in-Christ shared how (similar to last Sunday's message in St. Paul with Grey Boyd) we need to rest and enjoy the banqueting table...
" He brings me to the banquet hall, so everyone can see how much he loves me."-Songs 2:4
...that is mentioned in the Bible. When we eat at the banqueting table, it takes time and not like what we do at a fast food restaurant!
Then another shared about her recent cleaning of her personal computer of viruses that came from surfing the internet. She realized how the computer has slow down because of these viruses that came along from constant surfing the internet and opening all these files. Her son came home recently to clean-up all that junk and the computer is back to normal speed and a lot faster than before! Well, we need to do that in our lives too, stated by this lady at church this Sunday. I personally received it as we go in life rushing and collect sin not noticing it at times. That is why I try in my quiet times at night before going to bed to do this! This enables me to have a clear conscience from worry and burdens from a long day at times. When I wake-up the next morning (mostly), I�m more pumped up and ready to do what God has me to do for a new day!
"Heavenly Father, open my eyes to all the sins I need to ask you for forgiveness that I�ll be clean and pure to be a brighter light for you to the people you'll put in my path in the dark world tomorrow! In Jesus name, Amen!"
A brother-in-Christ shared how we are a new creation or creature no matter what mistakes (sins) you committed each day. Then Pat, pastor, continued to share on this topic that we need to go before God as he shared about Naumun from 2 Kings 5. This Sunday's message has tied up many things recently and the message last Sunday. Now, it's up to us that heard this to act upon it and practice this in our daily life!
You think this message ended after church service at noon! Well, when I dropped the two consumers I usually I take to church from the group home, my co-worker answered on how it's been busy with classes after I asked how is this final stretch of the semester going? Then this other co-worker responded, I hear that all the time. Yes, we do as this helter skelter society is rampant all over!
5 Minutes Bible Study - Seeking Quietness
Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you. 1 Thessalonians 4:11
Long before the age of jet airplanes, the Internet, or digital television, theologian Arthur Pink wrote the following: what man despises, God esteems; and what man admires, He abominates. The world is mad, and speed is one of the gods which is now worshipped by the multitudes. And living as we yet are in the world, Gods own people are infected with its evil spirit. Much need has each of us to beg the Lord to lay His cooling and calming hand upon the feverish flesh in us. Rush, hurry, and hustle are the terms which best describe modern activities; but stand, sit, and wait are words that have a prominent place in the Scriptures.
Arthur Pink wrote those words in 1930! Now, many decades removed, the problem is even greater. Busyness has become a curse of our day. Carried over into the realm of the spiritual, we associate activity with spirituality. Thus we program more Bible studies, more activities, sometimes more church services, more conferences, and more things into an already overcrowded schedule.
Do you ever ask yourself, what Jesus would do if he were here? Would he pack more and more into His schedule, or would He walk away from the frenetic activity of life today and find a quiet place for solitude? Would he leave his computer and iPod and cell phone behind to listen to the wind as it blows through the trees, or ponder the awesome, sometimes ferocious sound of silence?
Listening to the symphony of natures music has a way of quieting the soul, of helping you think straight, of helping you sift through the dissonance of life today. There is something therapeutic about listening to the roaring clap of the surf pounding the seashore, or, as I have done on occasion, sitting quietly in a forest and listening to the sound of the wind in the trees, the noise and creaks of the forest—voices which are generally unknown to us. If you ever have the opportunity, sit quietly on a mountain top at timberline where there is insufficient oxygen for much to grow and sit quietly and silently. You will discover that there is neither absolute silence nor quiet. Its a different sound that you hear, however. A kind of deep which calls to deep—the kind of sound, though, that is never heard in the city.
Isaiah told us that in quietness and trust is your strength but then he added, but you would have none of it (Isaiah 30;15). Were he alive today, he could say the same thing. Question: Whose fault is it, anyway, that life is so busy? Obviously, it is our own doing. Therefore the undoing of our busyness is also our obligation and should be one of the first orders of business.
When Paul wrote to the Thessalonians he told them to study to be quiet (1 Thessalonians 4:11, KJV)—something which was commanded. The word quiet means to cease from labor, to hold your peace, to be still. Ah, yes, you may say, Isnt there something in Psalms about that? As a matter of fact there is. Psalm 46:10 says, Be still, and know that I am God.
There are some things we will never know, we will never learn apart from the quiet place where we have escaped the din and pollution of noise. Im not suggesting that you walk away from your family or business or obligations to become a hermit somewhere, but I am saying if you are to survive spiritually, emotionally, and physically, if you are to live so that stress and hypertension dont kill you, youve got to learn to find quiet time for rest and recuperation. There is still strength in the quiet place.
Resource reading: Psalm 90 "
Health Affects
Your "busy" lifestyle affects your health-you know? Why is that the #1 killer in this country is heart disease? Yes, bad eating habits and also stress!
Recently, my younger brother told me that he has been stress lately that may have contributed to some of his health problems.
....more on health
Invitation to Prayer
"Coming to quiet in prayer "
Division in Families
Not Peace but Division
(Luke 12)
" 49"I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed! 51Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."
Let there be Peace
"All 4 Gospel accounts refer to the baptism of Jesus by John at the Jordan river: Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32. Luke's account says: 'And the Holy Spirit came down in a bodily shape like a dove on Him.' Because the Holy Spirit is just that, Spirit, He is not visible to us. On this occasion however, was a visible appearance obviously witnessed. The dove is an emblem of purity and harmlessness {Matthew 10:16} and the form of the dove was assumed on this occasion to signify that the Spirit with which Jesus would be endowed, would be one of purity and innocence. Another symbol involving the dove comes from the account of the Flood and Noahs ark in Genesis 6~8. When the earth had been covered with water for some time, Noah wanted to check to see if there was dry land anywhere so he sent out a dove which came back with an olive branch in her beak. {Genesis 8:11}. Since that time the olive branch has been a symbol of peace. Symbolically the story of the dove tells us that God declared peace with mankind after the great flood purged the earth of its wickedness. The dove represented His Spirit, bringing us the good news of reconciliation with God. Of course this was only in the temporal sense because true spiritual reconciliation with God only comes through Jesus Christ. But it is significant that the Holy Spirit was pictured as a dove at Jesus baptism; symbolizing peace with God. His appearance as the dove symbolizes the gentle Savior bringing peace to mankind through His sacrifice. May the Peace of God be with you all and may world peace begin within the Body of Christ. Merry Christmas to all."
Resources for Reconciliation
"InterVarsity Press and the Duke Divinity School Center for Reconciliation have partnered to create this new book series featuring Jean Vanier, Stanley Hauerwas, John Perkins, Charles Marsh and others. Resources for Reconciliation explore what it means to pursue hope in areas of brokenness, including the family, the environment, the city, the poor, the disabled, Christianity and Islam, racial and ethnic divisions, and violent conflicts. Each title presents two voices--one in the field of practice or grass-roots experience, the other from the academy."
18 If only you had paid attention to my commands,
your peace would have been like a river,
your righteousness like the waves of the sea.
19 Your descendants would have been like the sand,
your children like its numberless grains;
their name would never be cut off
nor destroyed from before me." "-Isaiah 48
Forgiveness vs Reconciliation
"Crawford Loritts, speaking at a FamilyLife marriage conference, explains the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation."
Get rid of the "division" or "misunderstanding"!
*see Deceiver-Ways Satan "lies" to everybody, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Magic, Illusions, Witches, etc.... & Issues-Accuser, Satan, Hell, etc...
5 Minutes Bible Study - Building Bridges To Understanding
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? Amos 3:3
Have you ever wondered what might have caused Adam and Eve to exchange words for the first time? Christopher Morley describes how Adam might have lost the first round. He says, "The first fishing morning can't you imagine it! The world all young and full of sweetness; the Garden of Eden bespangled with early dew; Adam grabbing up a fistful of worms and hooking them on a bent thorn and a line of twisted grass; hurrying down to the creek or bayou; sitting on a brand new stump the devil had put there to tempt him; throwing out his line; sitting in the sun dreaming. And then, a tug, a pull, a splash and the First Fish lay at Adam's feet. Can you imagine the sensation? How he yelled to Eve to come, and how annoyed he was because she called out she was busy. Probably it was in that moment that all the bickerings of husbands and wives originated; when Adam called to Eve to come and see his First Fish, and Eve answered that she was busy."
However it happened, scores of men and women have followed the example of Morley's parody. Two people, who at one time were supremely happy together, begin to drift apart until they are living in separate worlds, with separate friends, separate interests nothing connecting them except a roof over their heads. Do not be sure that it could not happen to you! It can!
It is not by chance that a marriage is successful or that two people find happiness together. The connubial bliss of togetherness that you enjoyed on your honeymoon has given way to the dreariness of responsibility. There just is not the time for the romance that you enjoyed in your courtship days. After all, you men are the major breadwinners, at least its your responsibility. And you women have your end of the load to carry. Many of you work as well as carry heavy responsibilities as a mother and homemaker.
Responsibilities often have a way of separating us physically, but whether or not you let responsibilities separate your hearts is entirely up to you. The busier you are, the more careful you must be to communicate and to share your lives with each other.
There are bridges you can build to span the separation of responsibility. First is the bridge of understanding. This means showing interest—even if you have to fake it--when your husband tells you about the traffic or the big project he is working on. You may not completely comprehend what he is talking about, but an interested, understanding attitude can be a bridge that unites your two worlds. Do not forget, men, apart from the four year old around the house, there has been no one else to tell how the dinner burned when she was trying to get the ironing done. Understanding is a two way bridge.
Another bridge is family activities or recreation, perhaps a hobby that you can both share. When a woman has her circle of friends, and a husband has his, a couple is headed for trouble. If you both do not enjoy the same things, find something in between in which you are both interested. You will find that which was boring before becomes exciting because of the interest of your spouse.
Worship is another bridge that unites hearts and lives. God made you with a human soul, and when you both share your faith, you make a triangle of your marriage, the two of you joined with God. Who would challenge the fact that a triangle is stronger than a horizontal plane? Be sure that when you look to God for strength, you have His blessing in making your marriage work. God's Word says, So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate" (Matthew 19:6). I have yet to meet a couple whose marriage was destroyed who put God first in their lives and built the bridge of worship. Unlike many, you can build bridges that combat the gulf of separation.
Resource reading:
Colossians 3-.... "
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Peacemaker Ministries Promo
Messengers for Peace
"The Bah twins join fellow war refugees Mohamed (Sierra Leone) and Kadijah (Central African Republic)and share thoughts as they travel : first to The African Refugee Center in Staten Island, NY, and then to Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, where they visit a Somali family. All agree about the importance of prayer in achieving peace in the world"
steven curtis chapman--be still and know
"steven curtis chapman singing 'be still and know'. from the album "speechless". property of sparrow records (1999) "
Mahalia Jackson-Let There Be Peace - Today's Christian Videos
Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song (Clean w/ Lyrics)
"This is good song, just with the clean lyrics. So please comment, rate, and sub! Thanks this was really fun to make so if you want more clean lyrics just say so!
Should I make more clean music videos? Just comment and answer! Just make a request by PMing me or just Commenting on this video! So thanks! "
*see Asian-Filipino Music
Peace in the Valley
"Performed by Elvis."
"Our faith does more than give us the reality of that which we cannot see. It makes us look differently at everything visible when we carry the Peace of God within. Our vision is heightened in the peace of knowing we are secure. May the Peace of God be with you all. Always and in all ways."
Hillsong - still
"i will be still and know YOU are GOD "
Social Issues
*see Cultures, Ethnicities, Multicultural, Nationalities, Races, etc...
From Burning The Cross To Preaching The Cross
"This video tells the story of Johnny Lee Clary, former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, who was also a Professional Wrestler in the N.W.A. and the N.W.F known as "Johnny Angel," who left the KKK and became a born-again Christian, renouncing racism and now travels the world as a Civil Rights Motivational Speaker working to build bridges and bring racial reconciliation to all mankind."
Forgiveness and Reconciliation
"Deacon Randy Folliard of Yahwehs Restoration Ministry discusses forgiveness and reconciliation and how to apply it to our lives."
Peace Talks - Ep 8 - Finding Peace With Others #1
"Welcome to Peace Talks with Rev. John Forman.
The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 provides principles for living at peace with others."
*see Blessings, Grateful, Thankful, etc...
Invest in PEACE
"Peace is closer than ever, but Invisible Children's work is far from done.
This is an important time in Uganda's history and we must be a part of its future.
Donate $3 a week and invest in peace.
Invisible Children's recurring donation program, TRI, uses your weekly contribution to directly support work in education, political advocacy, development programs, and worldwide awareness campaigns."
Daniel 2 #6 The EU & Future Antichrist Nebuchadnezzar
International Peace Day - September 21
Ukrainian Jews about to be shipped off to camps where most would die
"I was aware at an early age of the recent history of my people, the Jewish people," he said. “Memories that were still fresh in the mind of my parents and relatives, were related to me on many occasions.
"These memories consisting of stories of fear, personal shame, and murder. Each time was a moment relived when told by my parents or grandparents. I saw the pain in their faces, as they recounted family members who were given up by Russian government into the hands of Nazi Germany to be killed.
"Both my mother and father's family were killed in the holocaust," Rozen went on to say. "My grandfather was a Rabbi whom I never saw, and was taken by the Nazis never to be seen again. In my heart I hated both the Russian and German people alike because of what they did. It was difficult for me to work with any one who was Russian or German because even the language itself would displease me. In my eyes it was just as bad.
"Living in Jerusalem at young age one of my earlier jobs was a physiotherapist, working in a hospital. Here I would meet many people who came from different parts of the world to help the nation of Israel as volunteers. On one occasion I was approached by a man who introduced himself to me, explained he was from Holland and was volunteering in Israel. He invited me to a believer’s fellowship he was attending in Jerusalem. This man’s kindness and invitation made me curious to visit this place.
"What really touched my heart was not the messages of the preacher that moved me or the songs so much, but the love and kindness that emanated from this people towards me and to each other, and this is what I needed. The people made me feel valued and gave me a sense of belonging.
"Time passed by, a year later I realized that I could no longer live a daily lukewarm living without the truth as I recognized that the truth of Elohim (God) is at hand only needed my decision. I believed that it was the conviction of the Ruah Hakodesh (Holy Spirit ) in me to have a new walk in life which lead me to the acceptance of my Messiah Yeshua and thus I decided to follow His footsteps.
Daniel Rozen plays shofar at the Western Wall in Jerusalem
"What a privilege our God had given me. To come to realization that He is not pushing us to obey Him BUT rather He is waiting for our personal decision to accept Him as our Lord and Savior and be changed. This means a change from the worldly influence into His Ruah Kodesh (Holy Spirit) filled influence with the true love of GOD.
"It was at a fellowship gathering one evening that as we were worshiping, a member of the congregation, an Austrian man came and fell at my feet crying and asking me to forgive him and his people for what they did to the Jewish people during the Holocaust. There are no words for me to describe to you what I felt as the compassion and love of Adonai (Lord) that flowed through me towards this brother.
"Immediately Yeshua began to heal and set me free from the hate I carried for so long. My heart melted before this man and we embraced each other."
He added, "I have to admit that I knew I had to forgive those responsible for the deaths of my family members. When you hold anger, you are the one who suffers the most."
Daniel Rozen with his wife Vered Chen Rozen (from the Philippines)
Rozen had alluded to the terrible events that took place in Ukraine during the Second World War, when many were shipped off to concentration camps where most died and a total of 600,000 Ukrainian Jews perished in the country, mainly shot by firing squads.
As soon as he had finished speaking, a Ukrainian doctor came on stage and told the assembled doctors from Ukraine that “we all need to repent for what our country did to the Jews.â€
Soon, more than 100 of the Ukrainian delegates were crying out to God for forgive their land for the terrible deeds done to the Jews of the country.
When they had finished, a Ugandan doctor stood up and said, "Idi Amin did terrible things to the Jewish people in my country and we Christians also had to later apologize to them for the way they were treated,†he said. "God will hear your prayer at this time."
This extraordinary event was a fitting climax to the 6th Annual International Christian Medical Conference which attracted some 400 doctors and medical professionals to Kiev from 30 different countries and was held on October 30-31, 2009, to explore whether miracles still happen today and, if they do, to provide medical data to prove them.
Organized by the World Christian Doctors Network, this "Spirituality and Medicine" conference attracted doctors and medical professional from countries as diverse as Nigeria, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo to all over the former Soviet Union and even the tiny Faroe Islands, who all believe in praying for their sick patients – with their permission of course. "
*see LA- Archaeology, History, etc..., Caucasian-European Outreach, MiddleEastern Iraqi of Iraq, Babylon, etc... Outreach, Asian-Iranian "Persian" of Iran "Persia" Outreach ,European: Greece Outreach,
Israeli & Palestinian Youth Visit Italy
"An International Youth Leadership project brings young Israelis and Palestinians to Italy for 10 days in a quest for new ways of reconciliation among peoples in conflict. September 2008 "
"International Day of Peace - September 21st For Peace Day, open your heart, offer your compassion, give appreciation. For more information and to download your free gift from HeartMath, please visit"
Bethlehem Christmas Project - Trailer
"Israeli and Palestinian Christians discuss the Bethlehem Christmas Project and the idea of working together to deliver gifts to children in Bethlehem"
*see Middle Eastern Outreach
" KIEV, UKRAINE (ANS) -- The Congress Hall at the President Hotel went deathly quiet when Daniel Rozen, a Messianic pastor from Jerusalem, told the group that his family were from Galiziah, which borders on the Poland and Ukraine and many had perished in the holocaust.
"Although I was a regular visitor to the congregation, I still did not understand or believe what they spoke about, this Yeshua (Jesus) being the Messiah of the Jewish people and the whole world, by taking upon Himself the sins of the world. This was very hard for me to understand considering the recent history of my people. My heart was hard like a stone. Being a typical Israeli I was proud, because we as a people know much about God and the prophets, but to understand the mission of Yeshua and His purpose was very hard.
*see European: Ukrainian of Ukraine Outreach & Religion: Judaism, Hebrews/Israelites, Torah, Bible-"Old" Testament, etc...
"No Excuses is a Corrective Training program, founded in New Zealand, with the aim of restoration, justice, healing and peace in families, communities, and nations of our world. No-Excuses- we must love one another!"
"...Ultimately, we must realize that what happened at Abu Ghraib is symptomatic of a disease all of us are infected with—sin. Paul's damning words of Romans 1 trace the fall of ordinary, "good" people into all kinds of heinous acts: "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened …. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another…. Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done."
Let's rightly react with revulsion when we see these pictures, and call for an accounting for the crimes committed. But let's also recognize the evil nature in ourselves, and out of this recognition, cheer on the work of Christian Peacemaker Teams and others seeking to counter the evil done by Christians who have failed to live up to their calling. May God have mercy on us and the guards and prisoners of Abu Ghraib."
"He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth;
he breaks the bow and shatters the spear,
he burns the shields [b] with fire. -Psalm 46:9
" Nine centuries after the First Crusade, hundreds of Christians are again on their way to Jerusalem -- this time with a message of apology to Muslims and Jews for the atrocities committed as their predecessors murdered, raped and pillaged their way to the Holy Land.
The Reconciliation Walk was launched last November in Clermont-Ferrand, France, 900 years to the day after Pope Urban II summoned Christendom to war. Over the next four years small groups will walk towards Jerusalem, arriving on 15 July 1999, the anniversary of the massacre of its inhabitants by the Crusaders.
`Nine hundred years ago, our forefathers carried the name of Jesus Christ in battle across the Middle East,' reads the statement they will be passing out along their route. `Fuelled by fear, greed and hatred, they betrayed the name of Christ.... We wish to retrace the footsteps of the Crusaders in apology for their deeds....'
The Walk's organizer, Lynn Green, has `lived among Muslims on and off for some 25 years'. `Periodically they would say, "When are the Christians going to apologize?" '
So far, he says, all the Muslims and Jews he has met have responded positively. In Cologne, the Imam of a Turkish Mosque commented, `When I heard the nature of your message, I was astonished and filled with hope. I thought, "Whoever had this idea must have had an epiphany, a visit from God himself." '
Hundreds of people are expected to take part in the walk over the next three years. They aim to hand out copies of the statement, in local languages, to 1.8 million Muslims and thousands of Jews. Green hopes that the endeavour will lead to a `certain amount of healing of history'. He also hopes that it will defuse the fears and prejudices of the Western Christians who take part, by giving them contact with Muslims.
How valid is an apology today for something that happened centuries ago? `Apology is always valid, as long as bitterness remains in people's hearts,' he says. `In the eyes of Muslims and Jews we do represent the offenders.'
Green stresses that the Reconciliation Walk is not a front for mission. `It is purely about reconciliation and removing the offence of history,' he says. It is an independent venture, supported by Youth with a Mission, AD2000, March for Jesus and other Christian groups.
COPYRIGHT 1996 For A Change
Jerusalem: Reconciliation Walk Reaches Pinnacle-
Western Christians ask forgiveness for crusader atrocities.
By Tomas Dixon in Jerusalem. | posted 9/06/1999 12:00AM
"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God..."-Matthew 5:9
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*"...Seek and You'll Find..."-
Matthew 7:7